Thursday, March 31, 2022

Reflections 3/31/2022

 Reflections of MY DREAMS:

    Today is the 31st day of March and it is the 90th day of 2022 leaving 275 days of 2022. I am 13 weeks pregnant with MY LAST child. We find the gender out in 47 days, but blood work presumed the baby was going to be a boy, although I'm waiting for the gender ultrasound. Although his father and I have no names picked out we are excited. The baby's heartbeat yesterday at the baby appointment was beating at 163. This pregnancy has been rough, started out very scary and rough with finding out I was, to having low levels of HGC and then getting Covid-19 it wasn't the dream come true way to start a pregnancy in my eyes. Although he was excited and very happy. We have been together as of March 21st, a whole 7 months but we have known each other since 2019 when he was my supervisor at Goodall Landscaping. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3.29.2022 I am TIRED

WOW, so much has changed and well I am moving on for the better and leaving the drama and negative in the PAST because no one can move forward looking backwards. 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Happy Adulting Day (Got A Vehicle)

        Happy Moo Moo 🐮 Day, lol still not 100% on the name but hey for now she’s my moo moo. First it was Olie the Green Kia, then moo moo. I got on March 10th of 2022 a beautiful 2013 Kia Sorento 3rd seat. I won’t complain it fits my children, for now. But my credit is shot the 2012 Acadia was in mine and my ex-husbands name it had problems & I didn’t want it. I gave it back, I gave it back as easily as I gave him that divorce he wanted. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Adulting Day (Kids Needs)

 Happy Adulting Day (Kid’s Needs)

Don’t get me confused with being petty, greedy or all about myself with my taxes, nope sorry not me kids needs come first.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Random Quote

“A man won’t MARRY a whore but he will ruin his WHOLE home for one!”



"No mine are not toys; I know that they are not toys and will not be used in such ways or for glamour shots either. I will use my shotgun for hunting to provide food for my family. My handgun is for my own safety and the safety of my children when out in public. 

Seint- The New Way to Make-Up

 Seint- The New Way to Make-Up
*A make-up routine that takes less time than your old routine and looks more natural* 

Re-Evaluating LIFE & My GOAL's

It's Spring & you know what that means SPRING CLEANING, life, home, well everything, 
time to re-evaluate that set of Goals set back in January since well somethings have drastically changed! 
*I've lost friends and family due to ignorance & stupidity as well as outright jealousy and bitterness* 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Let's Take it WAY back since that's well all anyone knows how to do...

Takin' it way back! Back to 2016! Why?!

Cause Petty Bitches are always going to be PETTY BITCHES. 
I said what I said and don't fucking care if it offends anyone! Now this is coming from the horse's mouth! 

Friday, March 11, 2022



Quordle-The 4Way Wordle

 So, I’ve been playing wordle daily, well my friend on Facebook found quordle and I was like ok let’s check this out. I did it’s insane crazy fun because it’s FOUR WORDLE BOARDS and each time you work board one your working the rest. I enjoy working my mind in new and exciting ways that allow me to expand my vocabulary as well. So if you play wordle and are up for the challenge try quordle, I solve wordle first then take the wordle word and try it first in quordle that’s just been my go to method after a friend of mine beat my rear end solving quordle one day I couldn’t. I’ve maybe 3-4 times completed a quordle getting all four correct most times I get 2-3 correct. It’s just fun and great way to get your mind working. Highly addictive and totally recommended. 


 THE ROOKIE FEDS:     Alright, let's begin... or shall I say let's cover this! Last year on the hit t.v. show "The Rookie"...