Sunday, March 20, 2022

Adulting Day (Kids Needs)

 Happy Adulting Day (Kid’s Needs)

Don’t get me confused with being petty, greedy or all about myself with my taxes, nope sorry not me kids needs come first.

     So back on March 10th I used $6,000.00 for a down payment on a vehicle for myself and my children. I’ll post about that later. I paid over $1000.00 to bring it current to get my current vehicle. (again I’ll post about that later), but because I was talking to my boyfriend when I first moved in after I got approved for TANF, I wanted to get a bunk bed set for the kids, but we where sticking four children in one room to sleep, how was I gonna fit the beds in that room with the design of the roof slanted ceilings? I looked at triple bunk beds, quad bunk beds, and well I got nervous because my daughter isn’t even 2 and has only slept in a crib or pack n play. I know she’s missing out on having her bed that was bought for her in March of 2021. So I hunted for awhile to find the perfect set of items for my babies. I filed my taxes in February or attempted to, it didn’t end well so I went in and did it, March 1st of 2022 and I had the money fairly quick. But I had been without funds for awhile behind in bills and negative in my bank account. But once it was in and everything was current, I got caught up and was proud of what I had accomplished I went to searched their website for Twin Triple Bunk Bed- found the perfect one and got the color to match my boyfriends and our bed just because I liked the color, even found my daughter a matching crib that would fit in the same color. I ordered the bed and mattresses. Had it all shipped to the house, because well let’s face it at the time I didn’t have a vehicle big enough nor the help to get it if I was to pick it up from a store. Plus after Covid-19 ship to home has become a way of life for me. I was beyond excited when my boyfriend set these beds up and helped rearrange the room with me to give my babies our children a more at home feeling. 

My daughter crib hopefully by the time her sibling arrives and needs to move to the crib she will be in a toddler bed

Triple Bunk Bed for three handsome boys! 

    I honestly did good, bedding alone costed $300, mattresses alone costed $380, triple bunk bed cost $330, and crib cost $120. They have their own places and feel more at home may have taken me since October of 2021 but I did it with the support of my boyfriend and his family and mine. I couldn’t be more proud of myself. That I was able to do such amazing things for my children this year. They all have their own tablets too because I was tired of trying to find their phones. Phones are going to be for long long car rides. Or baby sitters if and when I can find a trustworthy, reliable and friendly baby sitter that I know can handle my children. So that’s my Adulting Day fun. And I’m sure I under estimated the rounding on prices for everything but I wasn’t going to pass up on giving my children items they needed. They’re truly happy and love climbing into their beds, snuggling up and falling asleep. Keep watching as I share more fun through out everything. 

***Follow My Blog For The Uncensored, Unfiltered, Honest, Open, And Factual Blog*** don’t be afraid I only write the truth, back it up with facts, and well keep and share my evidence when needed. I don’t make excuses for my behaviors or actions, I don’t sugar coat shit I’m not Willy Wonka. I’m a grown ass adult my actions don’t need your approval, just my own if I feel good with what I’m doing for myself and my children guess what FUCK YOU AND YOUR JEALOUS ASS, I mean for real! Well follow me for more fun and more life! 

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