Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Re-Evaluating LIFE & My GOAL's

It's Spring & you know what that means SPRING CLEANING, life, home, well everything, 
time to re-evaluate that set of Goals set back in January since well somethings have drastically changed! 
*I've lost friends and family due to ignorance & stupidity as well as outright jealousy and bitterness* 

GOALS *1/15/2022*
  1. Get a JOB
  2. Get a Primary Care Physician
  3. Gain Weight *goal 130lbs*
  4. Finish Collage Transition Courses
  5. Get the Acadia caught up in Payments
  6. Get a Vehicle
  7. Take a Massachusetts Summer Trip
  8. Get Boyfriend and yourself handguns
  9. Get a Tattoo
  10. Go Fishing and Hunting
  11.     Get a Raise & Promotion
  12. Get Pictures with the BF
        Yay we have made it to March of 2022 and well life is slowly going back to normal in the world minus WW3 possibly happening in Russia although I am not paying attention to that bullshit right now, I have my own WAR going on in my own home front. But then again, I am no longer what people need because I am no longer able to provide certain things as I am doing what is right for myself, my children and my boyfriend in my pregnancy. In January of this year, I was able to land a part-time job at Dollar General, but it didn't last long thanks to COVID-19. I was out for TWO WHOLE WEEKS and well it never got better for me only worse as I had work related restrictions that caused my boss to trick me into accepting a demotion that cut my pay and then cut my hours. I am lucky if I was getting TWO days in the work week. During my time on COVID-19 watch I started actively hunting for office jobs because I need something a little more my pace and well something I could do. It got back to my boss and well now I think they slowly have it out for me and well that's ok it's on them. I was able to get myself and my boyfriend each a handgun for Valentine's Day which was nice and a new to me vehicle in March. I know people are mad at me for doing what I needed to with my taxes instead of loaning them money or offering to help I physically couldn't and financially couldn't. I made promises to myself with my taxes this is what I was going to do. I did get my son's a triple bunk bed which I had been wanting to do for the last two years thankfully I was able to this year. Then I got my daughter a new crib, because her father is keeping the one that was gotten last year that is down in Massachusetts at my father's house in Belchertown, but that's ok he can have it. When I got down to Massachusetts on the 24th I will be stopping and getting the crib and mattress from my father's house. Getting a tattoo this year will not happen since I am 10 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Yeah no one in their right mind would give a pregnant person a tattoo, oh well maybe next year. I got the Acadia paid up and gave that back to my ex-husband and his new but old gf is driving it around didn't take them long to take the decals off that and bitch about almost everything. Oh well I explained many times what was wrong with the vehicle, but lord have mercy when I drove it anything would get done but that's a different story for another day. With that I am now sitting here re-thinking my goals for 2022, and what I truly want to accomplish. 
  1. Get a Job *DG Just is not working it anymore*
  2. Gain weight and keep it after your pregnancy
  3. Take a Summer Trip to Massachusetts to visit Family
  4. Go Hunting & Fishing
  5. Start College
  6. Get pictures with the boyfriend
  7. Get my sister CC a matching Heart Ring from Kay's 
  8. Get my sister Nicky a matching Heart Ring from Kay's 
  9. Make my bf a meaningful video showing him how much: I love him and appreciate him
  10. Plan out small birthday parties for each of my babies
  11. Plan out a baby shower for my last baby
  12. Get a Family Picture for Christmas Card this year including my boyfriend and his children
        I have started noticing changes in people who I thought where going to always be there for not just myself but my children but have since backed out and away from me. I don't trust people for many reasons these days because they give me reasons not to trust them. I am too old for drama and shit and the best part is shit from 2016 is making a comeback like for what reason, to watch me sit down and laugh. I was upset and hurt back in 2016 over that shit, tried for years to get it taken down best part is yes image of me nothing sexual or nude, stories that don't fit my life period or what happened. And in no time in Maine did I steal a relationship that wasn't mine. Do I have a lot of children yes but, I do take care of them, I hold it down and support them all; Am I happy to be divorced oh hell yeah because now I am with someone who loves me for me who I am and what I believe and stand for. Knows what I am capable of doing and supports me in all of my choices. I have never once questioned if he wanted to be with me or wanted me around. Is it funny how quickly people change yes but then again, I am aware that I have changed to into someone I am proud to be someone who can honestly look in the mirror and be ok with who I see looking back at me? I can say that I am proud of what I have done in the last 6 months with my life and over the last year. I honestly can't wait to see who truly sticks around for me the next 9 months. I have noticed that people come and go like the seasons and only want to be around me when I can offer them something and when I no longer can offer them anything I become the problem and so do my children and it is truly sad because they never did anything to be hurt the way they are getting hurt and brainwashed. Will the truth come out in the end, and that is when I will be far faraway as I will continue to distance myself from those who only seem to need or want me or my children to fill a void in their life? Well, that is where I am in March with my goals and inspirations to set forth with 2022. I'm going to close down writing today since I'm starting to notice I'm getting off track a week bit. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a wonderful happy week if I don't post again this week. 

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