Saturday, January 15, 2022

Movie Reviews: Brazen 2022

 MOVIE 🎥 REVIEWS 🍿: Brazen 2022 Starring Alyssa Milano (Yes, I’m a Charmed Geek)

Welcome to my Friday night at home with my babies who are now hopefully all sleeping peacefully in their beds. I’m of course hogging my boyfriend and our bed. Since he and his son are having a sleepover at his sister's house. Of course, since I’m having trouble sleeping and I’m starving I’m stuffing my face full of unhealthy but delicious 🤤 items. While watching the movie Brazen on Netflix thanks babe I stole your account while the babies use mine. But I was scrolling Instagram while waiting for my son to pass out and being a huge fan of Alyssa Milano, she posted how her Netflix movie was #1 so I just had to google the movie and read up on what it’s about, of course murder, mystery and solving the murder. 

Movie Details: 

Name: Brazen

Run Time: 1hr 36minutes 

Cast: Alyssa Milano, Sam Page, and more!!!! 

Streaming Source: Netflix 

    So, yeah, this movie was one I just put on without seeing the trailer but reading what it was about. I wasn't expecting it to make me think of Fifty Shades of Grey gone wrong. With that I mean this movie was about a murder or series of murders of Dominators or women who took on that role in a web-life kind of way to make some money. So as the movie starts it's a book reading, the main character is an author of murder mystery who has happened to once help police departments catch killers. After her book reading her sister call's her and she rushes to her, when there she notices a cop who was on leave or vacation after doing a job well done. They hit it off and well they decided to go out to chit and chat about a book or something to bounce things off each other to make her book really grab the reader's attention. During this time her sister gets a call from the site where she works asking if she can do one performance that evening; little does she know it's going to be a performance of her life. Afte the authors date she goes home because she had dinner plans with her sister. Once she arrived home that's when things seemed off, the house was dark, dinner wasn't cooked, and she wasn't grading the papers she said she had to do. So, what does anyone do, she starts walking through the house to see where her sister was. Sadly, as she climbed the stairs to her sister's bedroom she noticed and saw her sister lying on the floor. She rushed to aid her sister but didn't want to come to the terms that she was dead, she ran out of the house and screamed and collapsed to the ground when her cop hottie heard he dropped what he was doing literally and rushed to her aid. She couldn't speak or make words of what happened so his cop instincts kicked in, he found the body and checked for a pulse looking towards the door saw her standing there in tears asking please and said sorry. From then it switches to cops looking over the house, her at the police station getting asked questions she thinks that is her sister's ex-husband who she had black mail on trying to get rid of loose ends during the custody battle of their child. (Background of the sister she was once addicted to the pole and drugs selling herself to make ends meet for her son and herself) While at the police station they asked her if she knew of her sister's lifestyle where she was thrown for a loop as she recalled finding that looked door and her sister was going to tell her more about it later that night, but it never happened because she was murdered. As the investigation prevails two more women are attacked one died and one survived. The one who survived held many keys to whom the killer was, and man was there some great plot twists. I who originally thought was someone else was shocked and thrown when we learned the true identity of the killer. **No, I won't give it away** The police felt that since they got the name of whom the killer was, they could make the arrest little did they know that he had left his home and was chasing down the one who was baiting him out and she was left ALONE with no back-up because they thought that they had closed the case. As she was standing in her sister's work room as all call it, she heard glass break and at that moment she knew she was in trouble so devised a plan and got a live web confession on how he was going to kill her and his mother. But just as things went hey-wire rescue realized what was happening and flew back to her and saved her in the brink of time. The case was closed, and the author got the cop. She got justice for her sister's death, the murder of the other young girl and the attempted murder of the girl he didn't get to kill. The movie was very well tied together if I must say so myself.

Overall Rating: 9/10 
Own It: If it ever went to Vudu or something I'd totally buy it
Recommend It: YES most def. 

So, check it out on Netflix if you have time to kill and are looking for a good movie to watch and get lost into because it did not feel like it was an hour and half felt shorter because you were just so grabbed into the story and plot. 

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