Monday, March 28, 2022

Happy Adulting Day (Got A Vehicle)

        Happy Moo Moo 🐮 Day, lol still not 100% on the name but hey for now she’s my moo moo. First it was Olie the Green Kia, then moo moo. I got on March 10th of 2022 a beautiful 2013 Kia Sorento 3rd seat. I won’t complain it fits my children, for now. But my credit is shot the 2012 Acadia was in mine and my ex-husbands name it had problems & I didn’t want it. I gave it back, I gave it back as easily as I gave him that divorce he wanted. 

      But that’s a story for another lifetime let alone day. I had shopped around for months and got screwed by many larger dealerships saying yeah we got you approved, this is your payment. All good till they ran my credit so many times and because the payments falling behind with the Acadia a few times because it honestly became more than I can afford my credit plummeted and quick. Just as quick as being friends & sisters with a few people, like again another rant for another day because I’m still confused to what I did. Although I’ll never get the truth and like my real go to gals said forget them obviously 🙄 they’re not real because they’re gonna do you like that & your children like that cut the ties & move on. So durning that time I did, I filed my taxes, I continued to do what I needed to for myself, my children, my man and his son. I took money out for a down payment $6,000.00 and eeeks. I paid my mother in law for all the times she helped me. Bought things for my children (triple bunk bed, crib, mattresses, bedding, clothing, food, household items, etc), I paid my bills the biggest was over a grand for past payments on the Acadia; but whatever I got rid of it. Then was insurance, making sure my kids had things they needed, my fuel & tolls to n from Massachusetts and let me tell you this Kia does GREAT!!!! Although I gotta get a few more songs on my iTunes account cause the ones I got play threw fairly fast. My adult life I’ve been proud of become a great mother two my seven children (six sons & one daughter) and yes being the pregnant woman I am today. I’ve been proud to state I’m honest, fair & non-judge mental till you prove me wrong. I’ve always been excited when I get new adult house hold appliances because hey 👋🏻 it’s to that point in my life. So when I could say on this day I needed NO CO-SIGNER and that I was doing it 100% financially on my own I was fucking proud. For yes I get it being 33 & two (2) failed marriages and having to start over this was one happy adulting day for me. 

     So well here is my beautiful 🤩 Kia with honestly no real name. 

3.10.22/ 2013 Kia Sorento

First Car Selfie 🤳 & Man I was proud of myself 

      ***Keep watching as I post about Autism Awareness as April is the month dedicated to that, April 2nd is the day. My 3yr old son was recently diagnosed with it. So I’m doing a series to spread light & bring awareness to it***

*****Keep coming back as I plan & prep birthday parties, holidays, start school in may, do the gender reveal, do name reveal, plan a baby shower & continue my life, my children's lives, & well show the world & people that sure you can replace me but it will not effect me one bit, I won’t go crawling back when I did nothing wrong- just don’t get mad when you get left back there and very rarely see my children and me & that includes unborn because I’m not one to play these high school games & deal with stupid petty drama.*****

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