Saturday, January 29, 2022

Snow Storm Snow Day

         So, with a wonderful nor eastern in the works with snow falling around a foot or more in the Canton, Maine area my brilliant idea after my boyfriend came back from taking his son on a snowmobile ride complaining he was cold and frozen and that he couldn't take my son for a ride because it was too cold, I decided to take him outside to play in the snow so that he could have some fun. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

& that’s almost a wrap


Yupper’s That’s ME!!!!

Nana's Chicken Pot Pie

 Nana's Chicken Pot Pie

*A Heartwarming meal that my nana used to make for Sunday family dinner's. Something that I learned how to make after many meals at her house and watching her make it* 

Monday, January 17, 2022

1.17.2022 The Day I Almost Died

​1.17.2022 The Day I Almost Died: I don’t normally complain about other tow companies but today I will!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Happy One Month of Freedom!

 Happy 1 Month of Freedom!

On July 16th of 2017 I got married to a man named Jp. 

On December 16th, 2021, we finalized our divorce. 

Today is January 16th of 2022 and it's one month since we signed the papers and were officially free of each other and I haven't even looked back once! I can now see what I used to lie to myself and come up with excuses and make justifications for. 

Quote 1/16/2022


"I enjoy looking through my Facebook Memories and Timehop because it reminds me of things I had once said and sometimes the reminder is well needed"

Saturday, January 15, 2022

GOALS for 2022

GOALS: 2022

Movie Reviews: Brazen 2022

 MOVIE 🎥 REVIEWS 🍿: Brazen 2022 Starring Alyssa Milano (Yes, I’m a Charmed Geek)

Welcome to my Friday night at home with my babies who are now hopefully all sleeping peacefully in their beds. I’m of course hogging my boyfriend and our bed. Since he and his son are having a sleepover at his sister's house. Of course, since I’m having trouble sleeping and I’m starving I’m stuffing my face full of unhealthy but delicious 🤤 items. While watching the movie Brazen on Netflix thanks babe I stole your account while the babies use mine. But I was scrolling Instagram while waiting for my son to pass out and being a huge fan of Alyssa Milano, she posted how her Netflix movie was #1 so I just had to google the movie and read up on what it’s about, of course murder, mystery and solving the murder. 

Movie Details: 

Name: Brazen

Run Time: 1hr 36minutes 

Cast: Alyssa Milano, Sam Page, and more!!!! 

Streaming Source: Netflix 

Nana's Oven Stuffed Pork Chops


My Nana's Oven Stuffed Pork-Chops

*Something I remember her making before passing in 2012*

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Quote of 1.12.2022

​Quote of the Day:

"the scariest thing about DISTANCE is that you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget you"

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Who's There, oh hey!

A. Jordan in the year 2022!

        Congratulations to those reading this, you're the lucky few that have found my personal online journal and the depths to the uncensored and unsupervised thoughts of well ME! I know completely scary, isn't it? I mean what could one possibly think let alone do when alone? You truly don't want me to answer that, that alone would be a horribly funny yet scary post all in itself. Well let's jump headfirst into this odd but amazing year 2022 a mist all this Covid-19 bullshit. 

*In this post I'm going to give you a small insight to my world, although most people's names will be changed to their nicknames especially my children*

**I will not be posting images of my children to keep things well hidden if you truly know me and you're on my other social media than you know my children and know that they're not posted a whole lot, but they're posted when I feel fit**

        So, let's get started with who A. Jordan truly is... and yes get ready this is going to be a long read so I hope you brought your glass of wine, mason jar of whiskey or bottle of Tea... he he he. 


 THE ROOKIE FEDS:     Alright, let's begin... or shall I say let's cover this! Last year on the hit t.v. show "The Rookie"...