January 14, 2022
Selfie!!!! No it’s not to gloat that I’m beautiful because let’s be honest I don’t believe it for a minute. I’m too skinny, I’ve birthed seven beautiful & amazing babies but it looks like I’ve barely birthed any.
This morning I stepped on the scale and I think every Friday and Sunday I’m gonna step on my scale and do a weigh in. Im training to GAIN weight not lose it. In August of 2021 I was weighed at my doctors office and I weighed 94lbs when in the start of the year I was almost 130lbs I had dropped and ranged between 118-120lbs in March which wasn’t bad I still looked good could rock a size 4 pair of jeans and well thought highly of my figure. Now skip to a hard time in my life from May 2021 till July 2021 I lost over 20lbs, looked like I belonged in a coffin and well just wasn’t attractive and if anyone thought so they where on drugs. I don’t do those so it wasn’t drug use that caused the weight loss even if that’s the town banter, sucks for them all I’ve never done drugs and suck at taking my own medication that doctors prescribe me. Call me Anti-Med’s but I’m not one for the shit unless I’m on deaths door. But let me tell you when I stepped on that scale this morning and it read 108.6lbs I was ready to jump for joy because it’s been a struggle to gain this weight.
I switched medical practices in the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, which to my benefit found a health concern and are helping me get back on track. Yes sadly I have to take vitamins but I’m actually doing it. Even if my other half reminds me or doesn’t I’m trying to be a better me than I was the day before. I found out I have a very bad case of Vitamin D deficiency which can cause many problems some I was experiencing but my old doctor never once thought to check these panels, this one did. So now I continue to take Pre-Natal vitamins, Vitamin D about 4000 units a day for a WHOLE YEAR that’s how low it was, they are going to be running another iron test this coming week due to unexplained bruises. But with those medications I’ve been feeling pretty amazing. I’ve been on them for about two weeks this coming Monday. And I’ve gained weight since that appointment which is amazing.
A. Jordan Physical Body Stats:
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 108.6lbs as of 1/14/22
Follow me as we journey on the weight gain and follow me as I continue to constantly voice my concerns for my own health now that I found my voice.
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