Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Who's There, oh hey!

A. Jordan in the year 2022!

        Congratulations to those reading this, you're the lucky few that have found my personal online journal and the depths to the uncensored and unsupervised thoughts of well ME! I know completely scary, isn't it? I mean what could one possibly think let alone do when alone? You truly don't want me to answer that, that alone would be a horribly funny yet scary post all in itself. Well let's jump headfirst into this odd but amazing year 2022 a mist all this Covid-19 bullshit. 

*In this post I'm going to give you a small insight to my world, although most people's names will be changed to their nicknames especially my children*

**I will not be posting images of my children to keep things well hidden if you truly know me and you're on my other social media than you know my children and know that they're not posted a whole lot, but they're posted when I feel fit**

        So, let's get started with who A. Jordan truly is... and yes get ready this is going to be a long read so I hope you brought your glass of wine, mason jar of whiskey or bottle of Tea... he he he. 

        My name is Amanda, but for this blog I'm going by the pen name A. Jordan I'm not sure why I just like the ring it has to it. I was born in 1989 yes that makes me GenY, but I feel too old for that generation sometimes because I feel like I was raised in a time that doesn't exist anymore. But before I get completely distracted with everything, let's get down to the nitty gritty. I was born in Northampton, Massachusetts to Mary and Brian. Grew up and lived in Massachusetts for 20 plus years before getting divorced and moving to Maine. Stupidly I got re-married to a joker and jack of cards and got the clown, upside was got three amazing babies but, in the end, got divorced when he realized that his ex whom I could never be like was what he wanted. Now I'm out in Canton, Maine living my best life with my babies and my boyfriend and his son. I work part-time but heading in the right direction because I can move up quickly to Assistant Store Manager and they want me in that position because they feel I'm going to do great. I'm the mother to seven children and bonus to one! We are a truly blended family. 

        I enjoy the outdoors and what life has to offer, honestly, it's mainly the simple things. I just passed the Hunter Ed safety course in Maine which means I can go hunting this year and I'm pretty excited since I just bought a 12-gauge shotgun. A Steven's 320 Pump-Action which I must say is pretty nice. I'm going back to get a 9-mm handgun for personal protection because in this day in age you can never be too careful especially with all the muggings, gun battles at local Walmart's and during the Holiday Rush, I will post about that later. But I'm just the woman next door, the country gal who uses "Bless Your Heart" as a sentence enhancer and well I curse like a trucker and would make a nun blush but that's just me. I love anything that does with auto mechanics from working on them to driving them. I'm jack of all trades master of none but I'd rather have a great set of skills than have one to fall back on. I'm shy at first but once you know me you can't shut me up. Well, there you got a small burb of me... ENJOY check out my pages, look for my Autobiography.  

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 THE ROOKIE FEDS:     Alright, let's begin... or shall I say let's cover this! Last year on the hit t.v. show "The Rookie"...