Monday, April 4, 2022

#TeamPLJ Decals

I’m that mother that supports her children health, activities and more! Now this is where I’m going to literally say I’m doing all this to bring awareness to my sons condition so he’s not looked at differently in a bad way. I’m not trying to make any money or be greedy. 
In April of 2021 I brought myself and my son to his PCP to address concerns (I did this alone his father had the concerns but didn’t attend the appointment- so no his father wasn’t there his father didn’t break down and cry and blame himself) I made the phone calls to Child Development Services to start programs to help get him tested. I spent countless trips to LA Hearing for multiple hearing tests, waiting for a certain one that’s done when he’s sleeping because he’s well Autistic and can’t do the normal testing. It’s not his fault. I spent countless hours setting up meetings and fighting with his father twisting his arm to attend these meetings. It wasn’t until the end of last year after we were divorced did he finally start doing CDS meetings on weeks he had our son. Normally it was always me and meeting with her on my weeks with him and without him to get additional training on how to better his day to day life. I’m not trying to take all the credit but I’m not going to give credit to anyone who I haven’t seen help nor live with anymore. It’s not my place to include them. That’s the life they chose to make and well I’m clearly better off and our son is too. Because if it wasn’t for me he wouldn’t be where he is now and have excelled the way he has. I pushed for so much and pushed to get him all the right testing, help and finding what’s best for him. I do countless hours of research. Question everything to try to figure out the puzzle. My boyfriend and me work very hard with him. Below is some of the items I got to put on my car for support. Sadly he had an aunt who used to be a go to person of mine, but she decided that I wasn’t good enough for her life, and booted me to the side and decided to befriend my ex-husbands new thing whom she trash talked and hated on before. But that’s ok in the end I guess my son and my children and myself are better off without her and the drama. I can send the links or post the links in  another blog post to where I bough these items. 

            I ordered these on Amazon and I can't wait to design and order more. I'm working a clothing store and item store online. I am very excited to be supporting and bringing awareness to such condition. I'll post the links once I'm done designing items and such. Enjoy the reads to come and check out Amazon for some amazing decals to show support. Keep a watch for when I post the links for things I've ordered and the site to get supportive clothing that I've designed with #TeamPLJ! Love you PLJ Mumma's handsome little man! We all love and support you! 

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