Monday, April 4, 2022

Words of Wisdom

 "Be careful who you vent to. A listening ear is also a running mouth." 

        Sadly, this hits closer to home than many will realize; although I have done nothing wrong I am being treated as if I have done something wrong and it's causing well seen sadness in the eyes of my children who are being hurt through the process. So let me explain why I consider this words of wisdom...

            Words of Wisdom is something I used as a hashtag on social media accounts Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. my sites where I wanted something to be known. I share things and post things all the time but I have been changing a lot of what I do lately. Not because I don't want stalkers to know or see but because I'm growing and changing as a person. The whole world doesn't really need to know much I can share some things and such on social media but if I want to share daily blurbs and such I can blog about it or make the tweet or snap. But to share every detail I'm growing and hiding who that person was before and changing into a better person. But this for words of wisdom is not everyone you believe your venting to is truly and honestly on your side because once they feel you’ve served their purpose your booted to the side and we’ll then your left wondering what you did wrong when in the end you’ve done nothing wrong. So sometimes it better to wait to vent to someone till after you’ve known them longer than a few weeks or months because their hidden intentions pop out. …. Enjoy below 

                "Be careful who you vent! A listening EAR is also a running MOUTH" is a true statement that hits real close to home and well has not only effected me but my children because I will not tolerate people who want to try to blame me for things I have never nor would do. I sadly am in a state of wow I told them some pretty important things in my life and well they know things how bad is it so now I have to wonder what they're doing but at the same time if they wanna spew lies about me then they can because those who truly know me know the truth. People have to bring up the past and share it with the now truly have nothing better to do in their lives than worry about those who are continuing to live their lives. Which I will continue to do because well honestly I don't live in the past. You want to move on in life without me do it without my children because I will not make excuses for you or anyone for that matter. What people say about someone else shows more of their character and who they are as a person. So I have been learning to let go and live without those who said they where something different ignoring many red flags and praying I wasn't falling into the same mistake I was before. So be careful who you vent to because sometimes those people are just snakes waiting to run and to tell the world about you. As I reflect on this I learned a valuable lesson in life, and it’s one I never would have learned if I haven’t opened my eyes up to what I’ve been going through. You meet people in your life that are going to test you in all that you do be apart of your journey for a long time and then a short time, it’s your ti you to determine the power they hold over you vs the power you allow them to have. … enjoy words of wisdom wait for more 

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