Friday, April 1, 2022

Autism Awareness Month April 2022

 Autism & Bringing Awareness to the WORLD!

    So, last year around this time end of March beginning of April, I started noticing some really strange behavior with my youngest son. My once babbling, happy, always wanting to try new things baby boy was quiet, always doing things alone, would frighten easily, and didn’t want affection or attention unless he started it. So as a concerned parent I did research and what I was stumbling across frightened me to the core. I felt like I messed up as a parent. That my son was never going to be as well normal (& sadly I was horribly wrong but I’ll explain that) and as I called his PCP to address my concerns we scheduled a visit, I took some tests related to my son, she monitored him for 30/45 minutes in that appointment and how he behaved in a different environment and agreed to my findings. I broken down and cried right in front of her asking what I did wrong where I was reassured I did nothing wrong. So after that appointment I bundled us up, grabbed the diaper bag, picked my son up, checked out and carried him to my car. Broke down some more but in all of my pain and confusion not for just myself but my son I had the number to Child Development Services from when my older son was in it because he was born premature and in NICU for over 30 days. I knew they’d be able to help. Man I was never more correct a day in my life especially through Covid-19. Well the start and brink of Covid-19 in 2021, or to what we thought was the end. But that’s a rant for a different day. After that I called my now ex-husband and he honestly didn’t want to fully believe it, he wanted hardcore testing & proof. Which I called, I scheduled. I fought for, even when struggling through a divorce my children and their health was my priority. Even when he was too busy trying to better himself while being stuck up her ass to even spend time with ALL his children I did it all 24/7, while he lived a life of carefreeness. I struggled keeping CDS going, making it to all the appointments and having baby sitters for his siblings all because their father was too busy. So after countless hours, many tests in 2022 we got the full diagnosis from a professional who tests for this that he’s a “High Functioning Autistic” he continues on with CDS, he’s going through the transition stage since he’s turning 3 and we loose our beloved friend who’s been nothing but amazing. I’m dropping people off my sons caregiving authorization because I’m not playing the games. My sons health isn’t an option to mess around with and after multiple cancellations with I honestly could careless to what excuse was used, my son deserves better not me him. So I’m doing what’s best for him. I’m continuing on with these services, I’m going to strive to get him social security (which honestly has become a pain in the rear) then I’m going to keep going and get him into the best school for children with autism. I want him to excel and succeed in life. We work every day on trying better ways to communicate with him. He’s got a bond with my boyfriend and knows when he’s home and will RUN TO HIM with his hands up ready to play fight the giggles, laugher and smiles on both their faces of pure love and happiness just puts me in an awe. He knows how to be gentle and kind. He’s got a different way to communicate with us. He is very smart. He loves his blocks and enjoys puzzles. I’ve never seen a child so interested in learning but it’s part of his perfect features. He’s still full of smiles that hasn’t changed, he gives more loves now to his familiars. We don’t try to push things on him when it comes to him and his eating habits because it only makes things worse, we don’t give into him either, sometimes it’s a challenge but in the end we are working on making it better for all of us. He’s come a long way since we started with CDS in 2021 and I’m truly proud of all that’s he’s endured and gone through to be the way he is. So join me this month as I share my experiences learning what it’s like to raise a boy with autism, what it’s like to manage life of appointments and classes, what it’s like to teach his siblings and those around him why he is the way he is, the battle to get him on social security to help afford the costs of living, and join me on the #TeamPLJ on my blogger in support of my son. Unfortunately I will not be posting personal pictures of my children or my stepson on this blog. So enjoy the hashtag and join in on spreading awareness to autism. 

Let’s go #TeamPLJ Mumma loves you and is super proud of you, can’t believe you’ll be 3 years old in 9 days handsome baby boy. 

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