WORDLE- Daily Word Game
So, I enjoy Facebook just like every other person in this crazy, hectic world but I had been noticing more and more people playing or well POSTING about this WORDLE thing. Curiously it sparked interest at which I tagged a few fellow friends whom I noticed where doing it and well ended up doing it and learning more and more about it. You get to pick a word that is five letters long. The rules are very simple green square is right letter right spot, yellow right letter wrong spot and finally grey is wrong letter wrong spot not even in the word. For me it was challenging the first few times. Now that I try to play daily, I'm getting better and better. It's fun to see how my mother does compared to me when she plays too. Check it out if you like a good brain buster teaser.
On Tuesday I hit my six week mark in my pregnancy, I found out on 1/16/2022 but didn’t fully believe it still the digital test came back positive on 1/23/2022. On 1/21/22 my boyfriend was given a cute text message stating
“baby happy five months, looks like babe we are having a baby.” It was simple and cute we kept it hidden from his family and our children for about another week we finally told them all before 1/29/2022 and well now I’m going to share the bumps and journey.
It's that time to publicly post on my blog that I am...
So, these weekly weigh-ins will be getting more exciting since in September of this year my boyfriend and I will be welcoming OUR first and only child together.
THE ROOKIE FEDS: Alright, let's begin... or shall I say let's cover this! Last year on the hit t.v. show "The Rookie"...