Thursday, February 17, 2022

2022 You Have JOKES


        Well so let's see I'm 32 years old and I'm battling COVID-19 yeah that's right I got the Omicron variant of this lovely government bullshit thing. But I REFUSE TO GET VACINATED because it's my personal choice, it doesn't benefit me one bit to jab myself with a vaccine that hasn't been tested for more than 6 months and for those trying to feed me some foolish bullshit that oh it's been tested news flash folks the virus arrived in 2020, the started finding the vaccine in mid-2020 and had a shot by 2021 which was what 2021 was called Covid-19 the Vaccine. Now we are in 2022 and they're threating our jobs, our lively hood if we don't submit to their demands, sorry but guess what I'm part of that group that says nope you will not tell me what does and doesn't go in my body as it's my body. On that random side note let's being with HOW I GOT THIS LOVELY BAT OF COVID-19. 

        I work for Dollar General part-time when I applied and started there was NOTHING asked about Covid-19 vaccination or status or anything of the short. Which is cool and wonderful seeing as legally it is against HIPPA regulations to ask anything in regard to medical information about a person. So, I worked my shifts as scheduled except one where I called out due to weather and well almost dying. Sadly, it also where I contracted COVID-19 and cost not only myself work, but two more additional people work. Some got a few days paid because they were to get tested. But that is a different story, now let's spring forward to 2.14.2022 when I was DIAGNOISED with Covid-19, many things crossed my mind, first was the Ultrasound I had in Portland scheduled that well happened that day right in St. Mary's although I wasn't told I was getting an ultrasound until another female nurse came in because I had a male tech. odd I know. But I got my ultrasound and saved fuel I guess driving to Portland; only down fall was I was battling covid-19 and I am now having to inform MANY, MANY, people so they can get tested and monitor. 

But after the hospital discharged me and said 5-day quarantine and well I have been enjoying the extra sleep, not enjoying the no work and missing my boyfriend. But it's my birthday and I got to get some Chinese, sadly I have scheduled myself a re-test for Saturday the 19th in Rumford at Walgreens hopefully that test comes back negative so one people aren't afraid to be around me and so that I can go back to work. Funny how schools and work have different rules and regulations but they're saying they're following CDC guidelines, but rumor is mask mandates are coming to an end. I'm thankful for that because wearing masks don't help you just makes things last longer. Well, that's all for today. I wish my babies a speedy recovery and thankfully they're just positive with no symptoms. That was far worst birthday gift I got this year was getting told your children are positive with Covid-19. Huge sorry to Phoenix Towing, my boyfriend and his boss because I lost them a week of work because he needed to be out as well. I didn't intend this to happen I washed my hands, used hand sanitizer, and did everything someone was supposed to do, it was a bad apple at work who didn't follow the rules. I'll post when I have more updates. 

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