Monday, February 14, 2022

Oh Baby, Babe!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day Mumma & Dadda

On 2-13-22 I was experiencing some odd spotting, knowing that on 2-6-22 I was in the ER for the same thing because at that point we weren't sure what was happening I wanted to be checked out, my old OBGYN practice didn't seemed concerned or worried but the hospital I chose to go to was like no, please we want and prefer you to come in. So, off my children went to their respected parents and off to the ER did I go and upon getting to the St. Mary's ER a mix of emotions where flooding through. As I parked my car in patient parking, I had realized I had chain smoked because I truly didn't know how long I was going to be there thankfully I wasn't working that day. Sadly, I had to watch my babies go home earlier than planned. Oh well and didn't get to be there to get my littles when they arrived. So, during my time of checking in giving my name and such and going through the crazy strange questions I was eventually sent back to a room.  It was from that day forward that my day's would be filled with work and constant LAB TRIPS to document the HCG levels of this pregnancy. Which I did many times, and the levels weren't where they liked it, so I was going to have to make a trip to Portland to see a specialist in ultrasounds. Although my bf and I though let's have fun in the sheets and the next day was cramps and spotting and me being worried and I called my OBGYN office because I was to work 9 hrs.' that day with hr. break and lift and move heavy things. Nope I was placed on bedrest for the next day till I was to have more labs done. So, I did what I was supposed bed rest and during that time I napped a lot, Guess I was tired. Nope apparently my body was like nope fight off this cold you have that you haven't a clue you have. Got up on Valentine's Day to go get labs done, didn't feel well but was like it's not unnormal for me to feel crappy first thing in the am, got dressed and headed off to Lewiston since that's where my doctor's office wanted me to go. Upon arriving to the hospital that's when I felt worse, I limped my way into the ER walkway to check in passing an ambulance and almost falling walking kind of like a drunk would although I wasn't drunk. I was greeted by two amazing woman who were like woah miss are you ok you look like you're ready to faint. To which I remember mumbling I think I am to which one rushed to get me a wheelchair. At which point they wheeled me into check in at ER and was taken in right away. I was then having all kinds of test done and boom they're like seems like you have the flu, I'm like ok cool great just what I want. 45 minutes go by and nope it's COVID-19 Positive. Yay, not I wasn't thrilled and then started the billion texts to everyone going hey guess what get tested ASAP in five days from being near me because this just happened. So, a week of room hiding and a life of sleep def. happened for me. So, my next thought was my appointment in Portland for the ultrasound which I was told I was no longer allowed to go to due to being positive for Covid-19 so then I was like what is going to happen now. I was then left in the room and a female nurse comes in says we are going to get you ready for your ultrasound, but I need to stay in here due to the tech being a male, I replied ok I didn't know I was getting one. They forgot to tell me apparently that I was having one. But I was excited either way and I got to get two very cute pictures of this little bundle of joy. 


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