Wednesday, September 28, 2022



    Alright, let's begin... or shall I say let's cover this! Last year on the hit t.v. show "The Rookie" staring Nathan Fallon who was also in Castle which is where I learned of this actor or became in thrilled with his work, sad when Castle ended but excited when he stared in the "The Rookie" I have been a fan since it started. (but that's besides the point- onward) So they did a crossover without the rookie feds being a true up in show that was airing. I have a feeling it was a feeling that they wanted to see how well it would take off and how many viewers would tune in. Although I was not able to make the airing the other night I have successfully watched this episode twice and am in love with the show! It's got a great cast and it's full of laughs with fed work and tons of on the edge of your seat moments. I can't wait to see what happens next week! Stay tuned and if you're looking for some laughs and edge of your seat moments tune in on Tuesday nights to ABC and watch "THE ROOKIE FEDS"!

Monday, September 26, 2022

Holy Whoops I Slacked!

 Where has the TIME GONE?!

        I am sorry that I completed slacked off. I really need to start scheduling my time 110% better. I am very horrible with time lately. There is so much to talk about, so much to discuss, so much to share, so much to write about and so much to explain, sadly I just do not have time to do that today. I have posts that are not even finished, events that have happened that have not even been posted. I can not say that I have not been here before because lord knows I have. I am currently a freshman in college, a mother of seven with the eighth on the way, and well now dating a wonderful man and feeling as if I am fucking it up every damn day. I have the worst complications right now with bed rest and school and missing my children but they are with their father and step mother but still I should not be on bed rest I should be up moving, happy, having a baby but I feel like a failure and that my own doctors are not even listening or giving a crap. I do not want to loose this baby but it is in the back of my mind. As I sit and write this I realize that I am failing at so many things. Although I have so many cheering me on and so many still discussing my life as if it brings them some kind of happiness and pleasure. Well, let's just say go ahead and chat about me because well things are about to get a whole more interesting. Alright that's enough right now be on the look out for a few of the following posts coming up...

*Ear Tubes for my Daughter

*Pregnancy with my unborn son

*Summer Semester Recap at SMCC

*Fall Semester start at SMCC

*the FIN AID Dilemma

*KIA and the Deer

*Hunting 2022

*Autism and SSI 

*iPhone & Apple Watch upgrade (have had mine 3 years it's finally starting to over heat and run slow phone can be refurbished and use for trade in costing me nothing!)

*Injuries & Bed Rest 

*Just A Pinch **Recipes for FOOD & BAKING**

*The Rookie, The Rookie Feds, Destination Fear, TV SHOWS starting back up and oh yes MANIFEST

*Happiness & Growing a Family


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Finding Dental Coverage in MAINE after Covid-19

 Dental Nightmares for those insured with MAINECARE or just with shitty ass bad luck!
yup that be me the bad luck woman with a stalker who has done everything to ruin my life while trying to make their image(s) look perfect

News flash folks- people pretend on the internet all the time although sadly today I've got the medical paperwork to prove what was done to me when I was there and for what reason. Yucky! DENTAL

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Friday, April 15, 2022

RANDOM RECAP 105 days into 365

 April 13th of 2022
Day 103 of 365
Start Time- 12:21pm

Thoughts with NO DIRECTION:

"Thoughts with NO DIRECTION is a reflection of the last 103 days of this year. Thoughts with NO DIRECTION is basically me telling it all from A to Z with no real thought process or consideration to those who read this for how it's written and what's in it. So, enjoy the read, hate the read or well talk shit about it because we all know they're going to be some FAKE ASS BITCHES and yeah, I know who they are and WHATs going to be said that will complain." 

Friday, April 8, 2022


 THE ROOKIE FEDS:     Alright, let's begin... or shall I say let's cover this! Last year on the hit t.v. show "The Rookie"...