Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Mother Nature!!!!

 Mother Nature: 

Today sure feel's an awful lot like a damn MONDAY, with nothing good about the meaning of it. I can only say that thankfully I don't feel sick to my stomach and can actually fucking move around without feeling sicker than hell itself.  I woke up promptly at 6am on the dot I had to piss like a mother fucker, perks of being pregnant. Oh well shortly after that baby girl got up and at that time it was only raining out. By the time we motivated ourselves downstairs which baby girl was happier than a pig in shit because her favorite was still home, and she could get some Lovin's in the world before breakfast and he had to leave. Kinda nice to be up when he leaves and get hugs and kisses. I do love that man with all my heart. He has made everything worth it. I don't care whom I upset either with my choices he's literately my other half. *To the bitches that complain and say it's my fault things have changed- nope nothing's changed I just don't choose to do certain things and nor does he when we don't have money for it or just don't feel like going places- we are the homebodies*

but let's get back on track... baby girls favorite left for work-

now that he's left and driven off, I'm setting up the day, by listening to the pups give the signal hey mom let me outside I gotta go potty. So, outside went Chase oh how I love that big pup he's my snuggle bear. Of course, a few seconds later he was like alright mom let me back in please it's cold outside and wet. After which I was like ok little bandit fuck nugget it's your turn and as I held him and switched the pups, I saw what I wasn't sure "LIGHTNING" Of course then came the thunder keep in mind at this time it's full-blown snowing like the fuck how we got thunder lightning and snow. My dumb blonde ass had to text my boyfriend my better half and ask if I truly did just see what I thought I saw and of course it was yup followed with an LOL or something of that short then we joked about the weather for a moment. I continued on my day and of course I giggled because the thunder had woken my autistic son. I wasn't giggling at my son but for what he thought was causing that sound as he's at the top of the stairs he's yelling Maui, Maui as the thunderclaps through and trying to explain that it isn't him. Get him downstairs and ready for the day. 

By the time my brother-in-law and his daughters arrived they were getting antis for breakfast at this point I'm mid-cleaning up from yesterday and well that was put on hold when brother oh dear brought in Dunkin' donuts for everyone. The kids ate then went to play, it was shortly after did I hear my oldest son move around upstairs so I said my Goodmorning through the monitor and told him to come on down for breakfast. He came down ever so cute. Wore undies, boxers, socks, slippers and his Phoenix Towing Shirt saying he's ready to go outside and play. Coming from the kids that was in jeans and t-shirt and hoodie yesterday and managed to get a tick on his no, no parts. I explained that today is not an outside day due to mother nature having a moment. 

Now we've got some nice sunny weather this lovely afternoon and I'm already laughing because we've pretty much experienced every freaking type of weather. Honestly, I am not sure what is next for this wanky weather of New England and in Maine but this on and off again weather SUCKS. Give me SPRING WARMTH and SUMMER! 

alright enough for today right now! back to job hunting for fedcap, finding out how to get a business plan written up, funding and creating my business. 

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 THE ROOKIE FEDS:     Alright, let's begin... or shall I say let's cover this! Last year on the hit t.v. show "The Rookie"...