Thursday, April 7, 2022

I'm on my way! *Transitions with Child Development Services*


       Team PLJ is happily transitioning in child development services known as CDS in further blog posts. PLJ has been working with CDS since he was 18 months old. So, to give some background information before people start actually posting and leavings comments on this post saying give credit to others, simple short answer NO! I will not I have fought long and hard to get things heard for my son. TEAM PLJ is family, friends and support staff that has been nothing but truly supportive and helpful during this trying time. Back when PLJ was younger I had noticed some strange changes in him and started wondering things. That led me to do some online research where I was looking up the symptoms I was noticing and sure enough my biggest fear was slowly coming true. I didn't want to even think it was possible that my son could possibly have this condition. I felt it was a death sentence to the child and the family. I did what any normal parent would do and that was call their child's primary care physician (PCP) to speak to them about the uprising concerns for the child I thought was or had some autistic like tendencies and behaviors. During my talk with the staff and nurses it became apparent that an appointment was going to be needed to address my concern because a note back to the doctor wasn't going to be long enough or clear enough. We scheduled the appointment, and we went to that appointment that I thought was going to be normal 30 minutes long nope this appointment was a whole HOUR long with a MILLION questions. I did multiple tests and after what seemed like forever and me not fully knowing the doctor agreed with me she saw what I was seeing and said I was correct on what I found when researching his symptoms, which made me start crying because I truly thought I had failed as a parent when in the bigger picture I was doing what most parents couldn't do in the beginning and that was admit there child needed some extra help. Which that made me feel somewhat better knowing that I was doing the right thing and getting him the help, he needed because I wanted to be able to have a bond and relationship with my son. We discussed the following types of appointments that were going to come from that visit. He was going to need hearing testing, speech testing, physical testing to see where his fine motors skills where and then he was going to need further evaluations for ADHD, aggression and more. I felt overwhelmed but I didn't feel defeated because I was told to check into CDS and the best part to CDS is I wasn't unfamiliar with them. I made a phone call after I got my son checked out of the appointment and buckled up in the car to a woman who used to work with another son of mine who was premature by a month. So, from there on out we started the mission to figuring out what was truly going on with PLJ and we kept him in speech therapy with CDS and he got to work with his brother's old worker, and it was the best and today 4/7/2022 was a hard sad day because it was our last day with her. Our last in-home visit with her, the last time she'd meet with us to work with PLJ, and it was well bittersweet because it was such a great visit but sad because it was our last. During the meeting we discussed the great accomplishments he's overcome and that he's completely ready to transfer to the next level of care with CDS. Although we both were sad because we enjoyed working with familiar faces. So tomorrow comes big sadness but great happiness because we have our transfer meeting. Congratulations PLJ we get to discuss your future and see what other aids we can get you. Mumma loves you to infinity and beyond. Can't wait to see what else we can accomplish this year buddy. You're truly doing amazing. 

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